Capacitated single source location problem data

This page contains data for the capacitated single source location problem. The optimization model is described in the following article. In short, there are m facilities that may be used. Using facility i gives capacity Si and cost fi. There are n customers. Customer j had demand Dj. There is a cost cij for assigning customer j to facility i. Single sourcing means that each customer may only get shipments from one facility.

Any use of these problem data should be accompanied with a reference to the article above. You might also want to send me an email.

Data format:

m n
For each facility: Si fi
For each customer: Dj (in one row)
Matrix of cij.


 3 5
158 366
128 314
96  504
   49   29   23   40   18
  260  239  418  557  346
  161  288  568  379  392
  672  268  122  295  344
There are 3 facilities and 5 customers. Facility 1 has capacity 158 and fixed cost 366. Facility 2 has capacity 128 and fixed cost 314. Facility 3 has capacity 96 and fixed cost 504. The customers have demands 49, 29, 23, 40 and 18. The transportation costs are, for example, 260 from facility 1 to customer 1, and 344 from facility 3 to customer 5.

In files problems and problems2 characteristics of each problem is given.
On each line in file problems: Problem name, number of facilites, number of customers, number of variables, maximal fixed cost, minimal fixed cost, maximal capacity, minimal capacity.
On each line in file problems2: Problem name, number of facilites, number of customers, number of variables, total capacity, total demand, quotient between total capacity and total demand.

Download all problem data in a zip-file.

Kaj Holmberg, email:, homepage:
Division of Optimization, Department of Mathematics, Linköping Institute of Technology, SE-581 83 Linköping, SWEDEN.